Germany is my dream. I didn’t expect before that ultimately
I would love and dream about this country. Once, I hated this country because
my sister loves it ‘too much’ that she always talked about it every second and
honestly it bothered me a lot. But then I studied in Language stream of my high
school, I got German lessons there and I was pretty good at it so I like it.
Later on I moved onto University and I accidentally go to German studies. Why
accidentally? I’ve written about it before. The more I study German, the more I
love this country and want to go there. Moreover, I got some German friends and
that makes me really want to go there someday (before 20 ;p hahahaha).
Niklas: Aku pasti
kembali. Jadi, sampai jumpa, or maybe one day in Germany!
Reza: Kita ketemu di
Jerman ya, Zakia!
Philo: See you in
Henrik: Kapan kamu ke
Zakia: Secepatnya, aku
akan dapat sertifikat ZiDS pada semester IV. Jadi, dua tahun lagi.
But, something has disappointed me. I am only allowed to
join the ZiDS (Zertifikat
Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
tesingt after I finish my 5th semester so it means it will be more
than two years from now and it sucks. But hey, I would not just give up,
sometimes we just have to break the rule and I will make an effort to join the
ZiDS testing within these two years. I absobloodylutely need the certificate,
das ist das unbedingte Erfordernis to apply Sommerkursstipendien. Why
Sommerkursstipendien? Because I don’t have much money to bring myself to
Germany, so I have to think smart to get a free way for getting there haha.
So, which city do I want to visit in Germany? All Cities!
But here are the dreaming-german-cities of mine.
First is Konstanz or in English: Constance. Konstanz is a
city which lies on the border of Germany and Switzerland. Das liegt am
Bodensee, der groβte See in Deutschland. I am interested to come to Konstanz
because my friend Henrik comes from Konstanz and some friends of mine, Mb Nurul
and Mas Ade have been there too. Mb Nurul ist ebenfals noch eine Studentin an
der Deutschabteilung UNY wie ich und mas Ade war auch Student hier aber er hat
schon drei Jahren in Konstanz gestudiert. I knew them from Henrik, they met in Germany.
Mas Ade was Henrik’s tandem partner and mb Nurul is mas Ade’s friend. Earth is
narrow, isn’t it? Hahaha. Before I met them, I didn’t know that there is a city
by the name of Konstanz in Germany and after I got know, I become pretty
Also, Konstanz ist sehr nah von der Schweiz. Von Konstanz zu
der Scwheiz braucht man nur etwa 30 Minuten laufen oder man kann auch mit dem
Fahrrad fahren, sagte mein Freund. Konstanz ist eine Altstadt. Dort gibt es
noch sehr viele alte Gebäude, alte Turme, Pubs, Malls, usw. Der See ist sehr groβ.
Im sommer kommen die Leute zum badegehen, sich sonnen, usw. Die Alpen ist
ebenfals nah von Konstanz. Das sind sehr attraktiv und sehr schön.
I love its old buildings; they look pretty beautiful and nice. I really want to
go to Konstanz, not only for travelling but maybe also to stay for awhile or
for taking Sommerkurs oder for my Master Degree an der HTWG Konstanz by taking
Deutsch für
Tourismus. Es gibt noch viele Möglichkeiten.
Die zweite ist Greifswald, die im Norden liegt. I think
Greifswald ist auch sehr schön. I think it is kinda old city, where
there are a lot of old beautiful building and das ist sehr attraktiv. It also
lies next to Baltic Sea so it would be wonderful. Honestly, I don’t know much
about this city, but I am really interested to go there to participate in Greifswald
International Students Festival. Das ist ein Fest, where students aus der
ganzen Welt meet and exchange their experience and culture from their own
country. I am pretty sure it would be awesome to be a part of the festival.
That’s why I applied for this festival. Ich bereitete sehr gut vor to apply for
participating in GrIStuF 2012. Oh, a little about GrIStuF, it has been held 5 times: 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2010.
GrIStuF 2012 is “FACE to FACE: Paving the Way for a Non-Violent Society”. There we can join a
workshop, culture festival, and a lot of interesting activities. There are
about 629 applicants who apply to participate in GrIStuF 2012, and the 150
selected applicants will be announced on March, 1st so my heart is
shaking right now waiting for the announcement. I really hope I am one of the
150 selected applicants, I will be pretty thankful. There was a problem with my
application, my birthday date accidentally changed into December, 30 2011 while
it should be October, 30 1993. But thankfully Mr. Daniel Last has changed it
after I worked really hard to get connected with the staff of GrIStuF 2012 and
hopefully this is a good sign that I will be selected to become one of the
participants. Amien…
![]() | |
Bodensee |
The 3rd is Berlin, the capital city. Berlin is
very multicultural; it is the center of European arts. The old buildings, the
architecture, die Museuminsel, the home operas, the festivals, the Sony Center,
the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Schönhauser Allee, everything. I really
want to see Iskandar Widjaja plays in Schauspielhaus there (Iskandar Widjaja
was born and grew up in Berlin), and also Radiopilot, my favorite german music
band (thanks Wendy for telling me about this band). I got a book about Berlin;
it’s pretty big and expensive. There you can find everything about Berlin.
Something interesting about Berlin is the Love Parade, hahahaha but don’t worry
I, I don’t expect to take part in the festival. I also want to go to Christmas
Market –I think it is Gendarmenmarkt- in Berlin and taste some Baumküche.
Ummm what else? Ja, Berlin is interesting. Philo suggested me to choose Berlin
if I want to take a Sommerkurs because Berlin ist sehr billig und
international, but don’t go to München because München ist sehr teuer. Mb Nurul
sagte aber, “Don’t go to Berlin! Go to München!” Hey, wer is dann richtig?
Ummm, but I believe Philo, because he used to live in Landshut, it’s next to München
and he has ever lived, studied, and worked either in München or Berlin so he must
know which one is better.
But of course I will still go to München for a visit. I want to
go to Oktoberfest where ladies wear Drindl
skirt, German’s traditional clothe. I also want to go to Allianz Arena to watch
the football match. Pssstt, I told lie when my lecturers asked me why I decided
to take German studies. I said that I like Bastian Schweinsteiger, er is ein Fuβballspieler
von Bayern München,
and I really want to see him so I study German hahaha. But it was a good
reason, right? Well, if I got a chance to see him, I will still be very happy
because I can tell it to my sister and she will be jealous hahahaha ;p.
The next city is Heidelberg. Das ist ebenfals eine Altstadt.
My lecturer told me a lot about this city. Dort gibt es eine alte Brücke; die
sehr attraktiv ist; der Fluβ ist sehr schön, und die Altstadt ist sehr
romantisch. Dort gibt es auch ein altes Schloβ, das im Tal liegt. Heidelberg
belongs to Baden-Württemberg Bundesland, dem Konstanz auch zu gehört aber
Heidelberg ist weit von Konstanz denke ich. Heidelberg liegt im Norden von
Baden-Württemberg wohingegen Konstanz ganz im Süden liegt. The other city in
Baden-Württemberg which I want to visit is Baden Baden. I have been dreaming
about Baden Baden since I was in senior high school because my teacher said
that one of language stream’s students was in Baden Baden for au-pair and it
was really nice. It is also sehr nah von Frankreich (I was obsessed about
French that time).
The last city is Hamburg. Niklas lives there and that’s why I also
want to go there. Niklas is half-Indonesian, I knew him from my sister. Uni
Hamburgs offers Austronesistisch (similar with Austronesia Studies I think) and
students there often hold an Indonesian event and it interests me so much.
Hamburg has the biggest harbor in Germany, and actually I don’t really like it.
I don’t like industrial city but I think Hamburg ist anders. Hamburg ist schön
denke ich.
Well, I don’t know when I can go to Germany, within these two
years hoffe ich, before 20. Hopefully, Amien. Drück mir die
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